Ferrogiarro Hall

- About EdTech
- Instructional Design
- Hybrid / Online
- Canvas
- Instructional Technologies
- Resources for Faculty
- More
- LMS Guidelines
- Student ePortfolios Overview
Classroom Technology Map
- Br. Alfred Brousseau Hall
- Br. Cornelius Art Center
- Br. Kyran Movement Studio ART-105
- Conference & Dining Rooms
- Dante Hall
- De La Salle Hall
- Dryden Hall
- Ferrogiarro Hall
- Filippi Academic Hall
- Galileo Hall
- Garaventa Hall
- Intercultural Center
- Kinesiology Lab - WARE 122
- Library/Saint Albert Hall
- Outdoor Pavilions
- Psychology 122
- Sichel Hall
- Soda Activity Center
- WARE 124
- WARE 124
- Classroom A/V Standard Installations & Tutorials
- Technology at SMC
- Br. Alfred Brousseau Hall
- Br. Cornelius Art Center
- Br. Kyran Movement Studio ART-105
- Conference & Dining Rooms
- Dante Hall
- De La Salle Hall
- Dryden Hall
- Ferrogiarro Hall
- Filippi Academic Hall
- Galileo Hall
- Garaventa Hall
- Intercultural Center
- Kinesiology Lab - WARE 122
- Library/Saint Albert Hall
- Outdoor Pavilions
- Psychology 122
- Sichel Hall
- Soda Activity Center
- WARE 124
- WARE 124
- Classroom A/V Standard Installations & Tutorials
- Home
- Offices & Services
- Educational Technology
- About EdTech
- Ferrogiarro Hall
Ferrogiarro Hall
Offices in this location include; Student Life (Vice President, Dean of Students...), Housing, CILSA, KSMC Radio, and The Collegian Student Newspaper.
Student Life Conference Room:
PolyStudio X30 Video-Conferencing Unit w/ ZOOM ROOM